The guide. An introduction:



How long have you been working as a city guide?

Since 2005. First in Berlin and now in Stockholm. 

How did you come to Sweden? 

By ferry.

No, I want to know what brought you to Stockholm. 

Too much sleep: I only wanted to stay for one night, but I overslept and missed my train to Lapland. 

So you got stuck here? 

Yes, more or less. I got my shoe stuck in a drain near the Royal Palace.  

What type of guide are you? Are you more of an entertainer or a history teacher? 

Something in between. The facts must be correct, but can be presented in an entertaining way. 

How do you prepare for your tours? 

I read a lot, I research a lot, I roam the city and listen to podcasts on historical topics. 

What languages do you speak? 

German, English, French and Swedish. 

What’s your favourite thing about Stockholm? 

That the water is never far away. That nature stretches into the city. And that there’s enough space for everyone. 

What do you get up to when you’re not guiding tourists around the city? 

I enjoy swimming, I love cycling around Stockholm and its surroundings, and I like to exercise at one of the outdoor gyms. Otherwise, I’m always trying to improve my language skills.

Thanks for the chat!