From Nytorget to Vita Bergen

The area around Nytorget, a square in the district of Södermalm, is great for dinner or just a snack. Though before taking a seat in one of the many restaurants or cafés, I recommend a short walk through the southeast of Södermalm: from Nytorget to Vita Bergen and back. Also works well for burning off any extra calories.

Stockholm, Södermalm, Nytorget, Expedition Stockholm

Start on the eastern side of Nytorget, by walking down the road of the same name. On the roadside, you’ll notice wooden houses painted red-brown, a typical colour in Sweden.

At the end of the road, continue straight on through the small park until you get to the traffic lights. Cross at the traffic lights and turn left onto Malmgårdsvägen. At the next crossing, you’ll find an old commercial and industrial estate with buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries. When facing the estate, turn left onto Lilla Mejtens Gränd and go straight towards Vita Bergen (White Mountains), a hilly park area.

Stockholm, Södermalm, Vita bergen, Expedition Stockholm

Enter the park and you’ll soon catch sight of another wooden house, this time not red-brown but mint green. What a rare sight!

Go left at the house and then head up to Sofia kyrkan (Sofia Church), which is perched at the highest point of the park.

Leave the park via roads called Mäster Pers Gränd and Bergsprängargränd, where you’ll pass a series of wooden houses along the way. Go down the steps at the end of Bergsprängargränd. Then enter Skånegatan and shortly after, you’ll be back in Nytorget.

And that was the side-trip from Nytorget to Vita Bergen and back. I now wish you bon appetit and skål! By the way, a visit to Nytorget might be just the thing after my guided tour through Södermalm.