Doing the laundry in Sweden

Doing the laundry in Sweden is a science in itself. In almost all older Swedish apartment buildings there are no washing machines in the apartments. If residents want to do the laundry, they go to the tvättstuga, a communal laundry room, which is usually in the basement. There you can find washing machines and tumble dryers for shared use.

However, you can’t just go and turn on one of the machines! Oh no, impossible! That’s not how doing the laundry works in Sweden! You have to book a time slot in advance. Luckily you can now do this via an app, but in the past it was arranged through a reservation board hung next to the door of the laundry room. 

Tvättstuga, Reservierungsbrett, Wäsche waschen in Schweden, Expedition Stockholm

Imagine, you already booked the tvättstuga for tonight a few days ago, and you’re running low on clean clothes… but then a friend asks you if you want to meet for a drink tonight.

So what do you do? Do you say: No, sorry, my dear, I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve already booked the tvättstuga tonight? Or do you meet your friend and perhaps buy a new pair of underwear on the way to the bar? Or invite them over to your place, telling them to stop off at Systembolaget on the way to buy some alcohol? 

Welcome to daily life in Sweden!