Stockholm’s outdoor gyms

You’ll spot them again and again around the parks and woods of the city: Stockholm’s outdoor gyms. 

Stockholm, Utegym, Fitness, Sport, Expedition Stockholm, Stockholms Outdoor-Fitnessstudios

The Swedish term for outdoor gym is utegym. You can just show up and use the equipment freely. It won’t cost you anything apart from a bit of sweat. You don’t need to be cool or even have sports clothes to train here. At an utegym you’ll find even grandmas doing the high bar or lifting the wooden beams.

Most of the facilities are of wood, though some are also made of metal. There are info boards explaining the different exercises you can do with each piece of equipment. A trip to the utegym also works well combined with a walk or a jog or bike tour. 

Stockholm, Utegym, Fitness, Sport, Expedition Stockholm, Stockholms Outdoor-Fitnessstudios

Here’s a selection of Stockholm’s outdoor gyms, all located in the city centre:

• Rålambshovsparkens utegym, Kungsholmen, Fridhemsplan underground station

• Tantolundens utegym, Södermalm, Hornstull underground station. Can be combined with a visit to Tanto strandbad beach which is right next to it. 

• Eriksdals utegym, Södermalm, Skanstull underground station

• Gärdets utegym, Östermalm, Gärdet underground station

All other outdoor gyms including photos, locations and maps can be found here